Saturday, February 13, 2010

Introducing the SA5BKE blog

Welcome to this blog!

This is a blog mostly about radio and adjacent areas. It´s written by Eric, licensed ham radio operator since February 2010 with the call sign SA5BKE. Even though I just got my license, I´m not a complete novice in the hobby of radio. My main interest during the last 4 years has been medium wave DX-ing and software defined radios. More about these topics in later posts.

This blog will be as an diary where I post about different things I try and do in the radio hobby. Of course I encourage the readers to comment on the posts. What´s in the pipeline right now is to play with APRS and get some Softrock SDR kits that I have ordered on the air. Of course antenna experiments will follow and maybe I might even be able to do some contacts. :-)