Monday, January 31, 2011

SDR-Widget arrived

The SDR-Widget that I wrote about some months ago arrived today. I just unpacked and here is a few pictures:

I am really looking forward getting into this. The little problem I got is that I do not have any Softrock SDR to use it with right now. So it will be used as a normal sound card for a few days.

But I actually have both the Softrock Lite II and Softrock RXTX 6.3 here to be built. They have been in my drawer now for more than half a year but some days ago I started building again on the lite for 30m and no problems so far. I even managed to solder the SOIC chips ! I have been using the QS1R receiver that is some what more expensive SDR than these for some years now, but I really looking forward to use a radio that I have built myself and using only open source software !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric !

    How is the Widget working. Still waiting for mine :-(

    73 es gd luck, Oliver, DL6KBG, JO61ub
