I have been using my little Softrock lite II SDR receiver on 30 m now for a while together with the SDR-Widget. I can only say that this little setup works great! Initially I tested it with Windows software (see
previous post) but I want be in the Linux world. There are different software available to use with the Softrock receiver and the SDR-Widget. So far I have tried two,
Quisk and
GHPSDR3. As the SDR-Widget is cable of running in different setups (USB Audio version 1/2 and HPSDR) it was a great step forward when a unified firmware was released so that I can flip between them with just a 'reboot' of the SDR-Widget, compared to doing a real reflashing of firmware.
SDR-Widget control software |
Below is a screenshot of Quisk with 192 kHz sample rate.
Quisk |
I have also tried the HPSDR protocol and the gHPSDR3 suite of software. The first screenshot is QtRadio, which I think is the most recent software in this still developing suite of software. The great thing with this is that is built for network use. A software called dspserver is running on one computer and the GUI on another (but they could of course be on the same box). Over the network the audio and screen updates is sent. I have also let others try the minimal GUI called jmonitor over the Internet! I will try these software a lot more in the future.
In this case I was using just a wire inside my apartment so a lot of QRM but there are a few CW signals that I am able to listen to.
Ghpsdr is another software:
Finally some pictures of the Softrock in a box (Ikea as usual):
This is when I tried it at the
club station:
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